
Flight Log: Lomé DXXX -- Ouagadougou DFFD 13.02.2011

Distance: 409 NM
scheduled Flying time: 3h 17min
Filed Route: ASOM R983 BONGO
ATIS Lomé: RWY 22 Wind 200/10 Kts Temp 30/10 QNH 1012
Clearance: AMSOM 1S Dep. climb FL 100
Take Off Time: 08:35 (UTC)
ATIS Ouagadougou: RWY 04 Wind 040/15 Kts CAVOK 34/-6 QNH 1015
Landing Time: 12:15 (UTC)
13.02.2011 Lomé/Ouagadougou: We met our handling agent at the airport gate on the crossing to Lomé flying club. Two policemen let us in with our baggage. That was the control point already.

At the flying club, we met the French pilot Reille Pascale again. She was very friendly and helpful, giving us some good tips. As we didn't need to refuel, everything went very quickly. We handed in the flight plan and taxied to runway 22. We took a left-hand curve to the north and rose to cruising altitude of 10,000 feet, or approx. 3,000 metres. The weather was misty, but welcoming. On the whole approx. four-hour flight, we encountered one cumulonimbus cloud. Radio contact was not always possible, but there was a transponder code. After a flight over parts of the desert town Ouagadougou we landed on runway 04.

We submitted the passports and pictures and they told us we could pick them up again on departure with the visas. And the big surprise: each visa was to cost 125 euros. We were actually able to pay in euros.

The avgas was brought with a little trailer, pumped manually and also paid for later in euros. There were no complications. Well, apart from Pilot Carstensen - he was missing his mobile phone. And that day it didn't turn up again either.

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Lomé flying club
Lomé flying club
Adieu Lomé
Beach hotel
Sunday in Lomé
Super vision
Watch shop
Tired warrior
Switch off the camera
Hotel Ouagadougou
Speaking of Ouagadougou
Ouaga approach
On the road
Fuel bill
globeflight c/o Jott & Pee Marketing - Kommunikation-Werbung GmbH   Berliner Allee, 46 30175 Hannover   Fon: 0511 53 83 98-10, Fax: 0511 53 83 98-22