
Journey Impressions: Pointe-Noire

Pointe-Noire: approx. 0.63 m inhabitants (2005)
Congo: approx. 3.6 m inhabitants
Population growth (2008): 2.2%
People per km²: 10.6
Gross national income per person in 2008 PPP: 3,090 USD

07.02.2011 Pointe-Noire: As we had to continue flying the next morning, we didn't go into the town, but stayed in the hotel.

From the roof patio, we watched a picturesque sunset with golden to fire-red clouds that you only see in Africa. We saw Hotel Atlantic in front of us on the beach. But exhausted after our longest flight which took over seven hours, we sipped a landing bear in the dimly lit hotel bar with its red and black fabric furnishing. Afterwards we had a meal in the restaurant and retired to bed.

The next morning our taxi took us over primarily sandy, urban roads, passing mini stalls and tiny dwellings the size of a garage as far as the eye could see.

A minimum standard of living is seriously lacking here.

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Nice town
Nice town
So now you know
Living in Pointe Noire
Rush hour
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