
Journey Impressions: Ilheus

Ilheus: Population approx. 0.15 million (2013)
Brazil: Population approx. 209.6 million
Population growth (2010-2016): 0.9%
People per km²: 24
Gross national income per person in 2014: 11,780 USD

18 January 2018, Ilheus:

There were no problems landing in Ilheus or in dealing with all the formalities with the handling agent. Too good to be true? We got into a taxi with a very friendly driver who was to bring us to Torro Romba House. About half an hour later I was beginning to get a feeling of foreboding. Just palm trees to the left and right, hardly any houses and only beach to the left now and again. More than half an hour out of the town we reached a lonely development. We asked the taxi driver to wait until we’d seen the rooms. After inspecting them, I realised that this was the worst accommodation we would probably have during the entire trip to South America. But nevertheless, after two landing beers the world looked a lot different. Nice people with well-mannered children and families with mid-range cars were staying there, so all in all it was an organised and friendly establishment. We had some of the all-inclusive supper and once we’d managed to switch on our computers (the hotel actually had WiFi) we were a lot happier and did our work for the website. 


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Kurt motivating the staff
Kurt motivating the staff
Breakfast location
Crepe maker
Pool of sin
Caution: falling coconuts
Kurt in the jungle
The common beach jogger
Almost invisible
Our accommodation
Tororomba pond
Head of the household
Shopping street take one
Shopping street take two
Coconut water
Incredibly hot
Tropical plums
globeflight rallye ・ c/o Jott & Pee Marketing – Kommunikation – Werbung GmbH ・ Kirchröder Straße 66c ・ 30625 Hannover ・